Prototype version 0.6: equipping weapons

Welcome to update six!

In this update, I finished loot pickups with adding stackable items and tooltips, added equipping weapons on the action bar and added several sound effects. 

The inventory system was working fine but it annoyed me that every flask and bar of titanium had it's own slot in the inventory. I liked them to stack so that all the bars go in one slot. This was implemented by expanding the inventory items with stacking properties and changing the dragging and dropping to have it drag multiple items. I have yet to implement limits to the stack but that will be addressed in future updates. 

The biggest update is that from now on the player starts with an empty action bar and has to find and equip weapons themselves. :) It was a lot of work because the action bar was not build with equipping items in mind but after a lot of trial and error I got it working. Already implemented is that only weapons can be equipped and no mundane items. 

I placed the crowbar close to the starting location son the player has a weapon quickly. The blast pistol is hidden further down the level. Maybe I should implement equipping the weapons straight to the action bar when it's empty (to make gameplay faster). But I also like the player to figure this out on their own. I'm also planning to split the action bar in two with some slots for weapons, one slot for armor and several slots for "consumable" items, like grenades and health potions. It's tempting to implement many equipment slots (the famous paper-doll that many RPG games have) but that will add lot's of developing time so I probably restrain myself to weapons, armor and consumable items. :)

To give the player more information about the items picked up I've added tooltips that pop-up when hovering over the inventory items. To have the tooltips align I've used some code from a tutorial because why re-invent the wheel? I try to keep the style of the UI graphics the same for the whole game and I think so far it feels like a whole. The tooltips will be expanded later by displaying stats like damage and weapon type. 

Sound effects for the exploding barrels, picking up loot and slashing the slime enemies with the crowbar are implemented. It's a bit early for sound effects but I like to do creative stuff like this in between coding. 

For the xext update I start with NPC dialogue and Questing and return to inventory and equipment at a later stage. 

Thanks for reading!

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Mar 29, 2024

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