This is a a tower defense game in progress where you have to protect patients from the dangerous MRSA bacteria. Because MRSA is defeated using good hygiene, the towers are wash tables that shoot soap bars. :) 

When a patient is hit by a bacteria, the infection rate meter goes up and you lose some money. When a bacteria is killed, you earn some money. When the infection meter is full, you lose the game. When the meter is not full and the timer reaches 0, you win and go to the next level. Currently, there are three levels to play through.  

To build defenses in the game, click one of the build button on the right and then you can place a tower/wall poster/cleaning tank on an empty tile or wall. 

Third update is now live with improved visual feedback, an in-game menu (that can be opened by pressing [Esc]) and a new way of enemies selecting targets. 

Future plans are more levels, more type of enemies and one time rewards. Most of the art is by and

Development log

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